SiDLY membership in the British Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Poland ? Asia

Thinking about the development and constant expansion of SiDLY, we’re two Chamber of Commerce joined.

Joining the British Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Poland Asia (Polish-Asian Chamber) creates a great increased opportunities. They are a very attractive business partner, thanks to which SiDLY membership predicts the development of the product on the British and Asian markets.

The SiDLY company has an increasing opportunity to develop its operations on foreign markets and to promote in an international environment thanks to the pursuit of the main objective, which is also the mission of the Chambers – matching business partners.

Promotional and marketing activities carried out in Chambers and organization of prestigious events create comfortable conditions conducive to strengthening economic and cultural ties between SiDLY and associated countries.

Particularly important is access to a broad base of contacts Polish and foreign companies, the opportunity to participate in meetings, also with representatives of local authorities and the world of diplomacy. Membership will contribute to the promotion and building of a lasting competitive advantage in Poland Europe and Asia.

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