SiDLY Care system for seniors from Dolny Śląsk

From 15 May, seniors from Dolny Ślask can receive support for telecare system and remote telemonitoring services. SiDLY has partnered with EkoCentrum24, which launched innovative seniors’ telehealth services for the Care without barriers project.   

EkoCentrum24 it is an innovative organization that fully supports seniors and senior families in caring for their loved ones. The aim of the development of the idea of telecare was the project of Care without barriers. The project can obtain comprehensive assistance in selecting the appropriate scope of services, daily care consultants Without Barriers Care Center and a wide range of functional capabilities of the system. The project responds to the needs of many thousands of families not only from Dolny Śląsk but also from Poland. We warmly invite you to familiarize yourself with the project:, and contact the project manager.  

Project menager:

Justyna Jesionowicz

tel. 791 95 08 25


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Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych
Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych.
Dowiedz się jak system SiDLY Care PRO wspiera pracę szpitali w zakresie opieki na pacjentem w warunkach domowych.