Case study: Improving workflow in the hospital wards (including those for COVID-19 patients) thanks to the SiDLY system. A hospital in Nisko.


The hospital did not have a paging system in the wards where COVID-19 patients were present. Thismade it difficult to contact patients and monitor their condition on an ongoing basis. The frequent visits to the wards increased the risk of infection of hospital staff.



Patients received SiDLY wristbands with the function of two-way voice communication, and the staff received a platform that allowed for constant visual monitoring of vital parameters and making voice calls with patients.


?Thanks to the SiDLY system, not only the safety of the patients has increased, but also of the nursing Staff. Nurses don?t have to come into direct contact with the patient to conduct an interview or ask about the patient's needs. (…) the hospital has the ability to increase the hospital's accreditation score by quickly detecting emergencies such as falls. "

Roman Ryznar,
Acting Director of the Independent Public Complex of
Healthcare Institutions in Nisko

The SiDLY system allows you to improve the workflow of hospital wards by:
  • ? alerting the staff about the deterioration of the patient's condition, a fall or the patient leaving the hospital,
  • ? enabling the patient to call for help and the possibility of conducting a two-way voice conversation (like over the phone),
  • ? automation of routine measurements, e.g. pulse and saturation,
  • ? providing current information on the patient's condition and the need for intervention or further diagnostics.
Contact us


Agnieszka Staśkiewicz
Director for Telecare Development in local governments
+48 887 770 682
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Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych.
Dowiedz się jak system SiDLY Care PRO wspiera pracę szpitali w zakresie opieki na pacjentem w warunkach domowych.