SiDLY as a member of The German Society for Telemedicine (DGTelemed)!

We are pleased to announce that we are a member of the DGTelemed – German association of telemedicine operating since 2005. We believe that it will be another stage of our work which aim is the dissemination of telemedicine and the opportunity to discuss with specialist from the German and European market. 

The German Society for Telemedicine (DGTelemed) is a forum for communication, discussion and lobbying for telemedicine in Germany and Europe. It’s association to promote, to disseminate, to market and to publish modern innovative developements, solutions and products in telemedicine. Members are hospitals, physicians, scientists, universities,research institutions, pharmaceutical, IT- and service companies, social organizations and individuals. We are glad that from now we are the member of this group, much less that telemedicine in the German market is a very well growing fields related to new technologies. The discussion with members of the association enable the search for new solutions in medical area implemented by SiDLY which could improve the life of society. The combinations of ideas, experience, passion and knowledge from different fields can bring along unimaginable ideas, always one step ahead of thoughts of population. 

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