SiDLY- the winner of the “Business in Germany”

As it turns out telemedical solutions offered by SiDLY are the best choice both on the Polish and European market.

SiDLY was a laureate of business contest in Germany, where special attention was paid to the extensive use of telemedicine solutions in geriatrics. Developed countries, including Germany, have a high percentage of elderly people. Seniors want to remain in their environment and feel safe, in spite of frequently occurring diseases of the circulatory system, The products of SiDLY make it possible !

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Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych
Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych.
Dowiedz się jak system SiDLY Care PRO wspiera pracę szpitali w zakresie opieki na pacjentem w warunkach domowych.