SiDLY on European Startup Day

On May 11, Michał Pizon, co-founder of SiDLY, was pleased to represent the Polish medical startup scene during the For Human path. Biotechnology, medicine, ecology at European Startup Day.

They were invited to participate in the discussion: Piotr Buszman, deputy director for pre-clinical research, American Heart of Poland Research and Development Center; Barbara Misiewicz-Jagielak, Director of External Relations, Polpharma Group; Sławomir Połukord, senior business development manager, Microsoft; Magdalena Władysiuk, medical technology assessment expert, HTA Consulting, President, Central and Eastern European Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 

The discussion allowed the confrontation of mature companies and startups, their opinions about market development, and the needs of micro and macro-organizations. Representatives of mature organizations pointed to the maturity aspect of the business model, and the attractiveness of the project to the end customer, as one of the key drivers for co-operation with startups. Michał Pizon, pointed out among others multifaceted cooperation with corporations on ready-made startups such as SiDLY- from distribution, purchase of startup product, project financing model, or marketing support.

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