SiDLY Care impressed by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

 On July 17th in Warsaw there was a meeting of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with the founders SiDLY. The Duke and Duchess were impressed by SiDLY Care’s telemedical technology.

The meeting of SiDLY with Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was not only a presentation of the technology developed by the Polish telemedicine startup, but also a discussion on Polish-British cooperation in the field of startup development on the international market. During the meeting, Michał Pizon – CTO of SiDLY, presented the SiDLY Care system. Prince William noted how much security was provided by SiDLY Care. Prince of Pair, impressed with technology and achievements SiDLY said not only the enormous market demand for SiDLY applications, but also the great potential of the project development in the UK market. The founders stated that Great Britain is a very attractive market for the development of telemedicine projects, is in the strategy of globalization SiDLY and expressed their hope to meet the duke, this time in London 🙂

The whole meeting was in a very pleasant and entrepreneurial atmosphere.

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Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych
Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych.
Dowiedz się jak system SiDLY Care PRO wspiera pracę szpitali w zakresie opieki na pacjentem w warunkach domowych.