Our telemedical band SiDLY Care was presented as an example of innovation in the edition of WIADOMOŚCI TVP1.

Technology is developing constantly, we are using it more and more, even in medicine. Our telemedical device SiDLY Care is an example, which drawn an attention aroused the interest of editorial TVP1. We are pleased with appreciation of our product and the fact that new technologies in medicine are becoming more popular. We should remember that they could improve patient health monitoring and allow to use of appropriate therapy!

We invite you to watch some part of WIADOMOŚCI with Edyta Kocyk, co-founder of SiDLY. The material connected with ?healthy applications? you can find here:

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Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych
Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych.
Dowiedz się jak system SiDLY Care PRO wspiera pracę szpitali w zakresie opieki na pacjentem w warunkach domowych.