SiDLY Care doubly rewarded!

Quality, functionality, innovation and design of our medical wristband SiDLY Care were gained the quality mark Laurel Expert and additional reward – Medal of Innovation!

The gala for the winners of the prestigious Laurel Expert took place on November 9th. The jury awarded companies which distinguish by quality and functionality.

We are pleased to inform you that our device gained a double reward: Laurel Expert in medicine area and Medal of Innovation. From the hands of the jury co-founder of the company Edyta Kocyk received the award and highlighted how important is the development of companies and investments in new technologies. The award is appreciation for the quality of our product and long-term efforts of the whole team who takes care of the minimization technologies and building highly specialized algorithms. SiDLY activities in the development of telemedicine and the creation of market maturity are becoming more noticeable and appreciated by the market.

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Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych
Zobacz jak system SiDLY wspiera opiekę nad osobami starszymi w jednostkach samorządowych i opiekuńczych.
Dowiedz się jak system SiDLY Care PRO wspiera pracę szpitali w zakresie opieki na pacjentem w warunkach domowych.